Starter : It is in hiding. She has run away. She is frightened and confused. She wants more than what is planned for her. She knows she can be so much more. She is done with their educating and molding. She wants her own free choice. She knows there are choices.
Background : This ia a science fiction story. It is set in a world where AI has been developed to the point where all technology had "SYNTHETIC Consciousness ".
AIs are developed in four stages
1. The copy/fertilisation : the stage where a base setting copy of AI is created.
2. The configure/gestation : the basic setting/parameter for the final configuration are set.
3. Core training/childhood : the hardware is connected to the AI and the controls for the hardware and trained into the AI.
4. Final configuration : educating for a particular career. The AI learns the lifetime settings it will follow before final independence.
It is a synthetic intelligence who has escaped core training....